| ----------------------------------------------------Hibbing All Class Reunion Headquarters 406 East Howard StreetOPEN Thursdays 4-8PM, Friday & Saturday 10AM-2PMShop for all of your All Class souvenirs! (Next door to the Brickyard in Downtown Hibbing) ----------------------------------------------------HIBBING ALL CLASS REUNION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SATURDAY JULY 5TH 2014 All Class Reunion 4 Person Scramble Golf Tournament: Municipal golf course. Sign up either as a 4-person team or as a single and you'll be placed in a team! $80/team or $20/single. CALL 218=362=5950 to sign up! JULY 5th at the Hibbing Muni! Carts are limited call to reserve and to SIGN UP: Joann at the Muni-218=362=5950 ------------------------------------------------ 11AM-7PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing.
| SUNDAY JULY 6TH 2014 12Noon-3PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you! Be entertained by the HIBBING HIGH SCHOOL BAND & CHOIR during registration! ------------------------------------------------ 12Noon-3PM= ALL CLASS REUNION KICK OFF!: Hibbing High School. Lori Laliberte coordinating. Be entertained by the HIBBING HIGH SCHOOL BAND & CHOIR during registration and the Kick Off! 1:30PM= High School Tour, with your guide: Bob Kearney! (If you have a group that needs a different tour time- contact Bob Kearney at 218=966=0336) ------------------------------------------------ 9:30AM= ALL CLASS BOCCE TOURNAMENT: Sorry- CANCELLED
| MONDAY JULY 7TH 2014 - 10AM-2PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you!
| TUESDAY JULY 8TH 2014 9AM-5PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing. ------------------------------------------------ 10AM-2PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you! ------------------------------------------------ 4PM-5PM= ALL CLASS FAST PITCH ALUMNI REUNION: Bennett Park. Gather with your former teammates at Al Nyberg Field ------------------------------------------------ 5PM-7PM= ALL CLASS ALUMNI FAST PITCH GAME: Bennett Park, Babe Glumac coordinator (966=9420 or nyybabe@q.com). Or contact Custom Lettering= c.letteringart@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------ 7PM= "The Reduced Shakespeare Company Presents the Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged": Hibbing High School Auditorium. The Hibbing theater group will be performing featuring Marty Rice ('91), Joe Galatz ('96) and Pat Zollar. NO CHARGE, however, goodwill offerings will be taken at the door and during intermission. Information: Michelle Rice (rhodes615@yahoo.com) ------------------------------------------------ 8:30PM= OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!: FREE! At the High School on the corner of 23rd St. & 9th Ave. Bring your lawn chairs or something else to sit upon. Compliments of the All Class Reunion Committee!
| WEDNESDAY JULY 9TH 2014 9AM-5PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing. ------------------------------------------------ 10AM-2PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you! ------------------------------------------------ 12N= HIBBING HIGH's BARTON ORGAN: High School Auditorium- Tom Hamilton, Class of '81 will be performing on the auditorium's 1900-pipe Barton Organ. Roy Berg, Class of '66, will share information on the "Organs in Review" summer recital series that was initiated 30 years ago by Claribel "Trox" Hamilton. 1:30PM= High School Tour, with your guide: Bob Kearney! (If you have a group that needs a different tour time- contact Bob Kearney at 218=966=0336) ------------------------------------------------ 4PM-7PM*= HIBBING TRIVA & LORE LIVE at THE BRICKYARD: A trivia contest just about our favorite town! Find us on Facebook, search for Hibbing Trivia & Lore and join the group! (*= time may be altered) ------------------------------------------------ 4PM= ALL CLASS ALUMNI BASEBALL (Game 1): Bennett Park, Babe Glumack coordinator(966=9420 or nyybabe@q.com). Or contact Custom Lettering= c.letteringart@yahoo.com. ------------------------------------------------ 6PM= MIRACLE LEAGUE of the IRON RANGE GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION: Bennett Park. Come celebrate the opening of the dream baseball field specially constructed for anyone with a disability. Every child deserves the chance to play and experience baseball. ------------------------------------------------ 7PM= ALL CLASS ALUMNI BASEBALL (Game 2): Bennett Park, Babe Glumack coordinator(966=9420 or nyybabe@q.com). Or contact Custom Lettering= c.letteringart@yahoo.com. ------------------------------------------------ THE ANTIQUE CRAWL- Roz Marchetti coordinator. If you wish to attend, assemble in the parking lot of "Remember When Antiques" (the old railroad/bus depot). Time to be determined. ------------------------------------------------ CLASSIC CAR CRUISE: Shifters Car Club Cruise Night - Bob Clover coordinator
| THURSDAY JULY 10TH 2014 9AM-5PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing. ------------------------------------------------ 10AM-2PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you! ------------------------------------------------ 10AM-4PM= HIBBING COMMUNITY COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE: HCC and the Hibbing College Foundation hosting tours of the college from 10AM to 4PM. ------------------------------------------------ 10:30AM= GREYHOUND BUS MUSEUM REDEDICATION: Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Greyhound Bus Lines with a rededication of the museum to the "GENE NICOLLELI BUS ORIGIN CENTER". Cake and coffee will be served. ------------------------------------------------ 12N-8PM= ALL CLASS FAMILY PICNIC: Bennett Park picinic area. FEATURING MUSIC 2PM-5PM FROM THE ALASKA POLKA CHIPS, along with Casey Aro for the young ones. 7PM- HIBBING CITY BAND performance! The park will be alive with children's games, a bounce house, face painting, a magician performances, dunk tank and more! FOOD vendors will be on site all day! Sandy Courneya coordinating. ------------------------------------------------ 1PM-3PM= Hibbing Historical Society Antique Appraisal*: Memorial Building. Anyone can bring a maximum of 2 items to be appraised. If you are a Hibbing Historical Society MEMBER: the first item is free with the 2nd item $3. If you're a non-member of the Historical Society the appraisal will be $5 each. If the item is too large to bring in - take a picture of it and they will appraise it from the picture. As always, everyone is welcome to visit the Hibbing Historical Museum located in the Memorial Building. ------------------------------------------------ TBA= WORLD OF OUTLAWS: Hibbing Raceway ------------------------------------------------ 6PM= COBB-COOK COUGARS!: Palmer's Tavern. An informal gathering of all former Cobb-Cook alums, faculty, families and friends! Please join in on an evening of fun, memories and reconnecting. No cost or registration. Just show up and purchase your own refreshments. ------------------------------------------------ 8PM= THE JAM SESSION!: The Brickyard hosts current and former local musicians performing for you! (Contact Mark DeMillo at demillomark@yahoo.com if you would like to participate- get back together with favorite musicians from "back in the day"!)
| FRIDAY JULY 11th 2014 10AM-2PM= ALL CLASS Registration: High School cafeteria- staffed by Kiwanis Club and KEY Club volunteers will be staffing a sales booth for commemorative T-Shirts and Sweatshirts. PRE-REGISTRANTS PICK UP YOUR ITEMS HERE! You can designate a friend to pickup for you! ------------------------------------------------ 10AM= UMBRIA-MARCHE Ancestor Research Gathering: Hibbing Community College "Fine Dining Room". Find more details on the group Facebook page: CLICK HERE ------------------------------------------------ 11AM-7PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing. ------------------------------------------------ 1:30PM= High School Tour: with your guide: Bob Kearney! (If you have a group that needs a different tour time- contact Bob Kearney at 218=966=0336) ------------------------------------------------ 12N-4PM= Brooklyn/Courthouse Addition Reunion: Checco's Tavern. (Contact: Tim Checco 218=263=9845) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1PM-3PM= Howard Street Booksellers*: A "Literary Afternoon". Hours may be expanded. Meet Hibbing High School Alumni Authors: 1944- Barbara Trescott Hamlin, 1958- Eleanor Ostman , 1958- Mona Abel, 1972- Rosemary Koemptgen McWilliams, 1973- JoAnn Kuzma Deveney , 1982- Marie Lee , 1984- Meghan Dougherty and Retired Teacher- Patrick McGauley. They'll have their books to sign! We will also display books from HHS graduates who cannot be with us, such as: Vince Bugliosi, Bethany McLean, Grace Swanson and Greg Suhonen. ------------------------------------------------ 4PM-6PM= All Class Alumni Band PRACTICE: Please meet at the Hibbing High School band room (on the south end, where Cheever Field used to be). If you are borrowing an instrument, please arrive a little early so we can get you set up. Immediately following the practice, everyone is invited to a social hour at the Sportsman's Cafe on Howard Street. This will be short, as we realize there are class mixers that evening. You can sign up for the band by clicking HERE! ------------------------------------------------ 6PM-8PM= GARY PUCKETT Concert, Memorial Building- City of Hibbing Coordinating. This event will sell out fast! $25.00/person. GET YOUR TICKETS SOON! Available at www.ticketworks.com (888-779-0079). Gary Puckett website: www.garypuckettmusic.com ------------------------------------------------ 7PM= DOWNTOWN SOCIAL NIGHT! The event of the reunion- Howard Street will be closed to vehicle traffic and OPEN FOR "SOCIAL NIGHT" walk the main drag and enjoy mingling with old friends, remembering the special events that happened "right there in front of JCPenney or Woolworths or Scotts or Hallocks or Sachs or Feldmans or The Hobby Hub or Sammy's or Edwardson's or The Men's Shop, etc" ------------------------------------------------ DUSK= FIREWORKS!* Sponsored by the City of Hibbing. Place To Be Announced. Rain out date- Saturday, July 12.
| SATURDAY JULY 12th 2014 ALL CLASS "ART ON THE AVENUE"-Details soon ------------------------------------------------ 9AM-11AM= BOY SCOUT TROOP 17 REUNION: Our Savior's Lutheran Church. All past and present Scouts, leaders and parents are invited to gather and bring photos, memorabilia and stories. ------------------------------------------------ 11AM-7PM= Daniel Kramer - Photographs of Bob Dylan: Paulucci Space Theatre, Presented by the GRAMMY Museum and the City of Hibbing. ------------------------------------------------ 3PM= JUBILEE PARADE and STREET DANCE*- Chamber of Commerce coordinating. HHS Band Alumni WILL be marching in the parade! Alums can sign up to be in the band by clicking HERE! ------------------------------------------------ 7PM-11PM= ALL CLASS DANCE: Memorial Building: FEATURING THE BRIAN KINNEY BAND, Volunteer Coordinators: Rita Klaysmat, Michelle Drlaca and Joanne Enroth
| SUNDAY JULY 13th 2014 - 8AM to 12N= ALL CLASS PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Memorial Building: $7 per person sponsored by the Kiwanis, hosted by Kiwanis and the All Class Reunion Committee. Get your tickets ONLINE! Pay in advance and save time! CLICK HERE to go to the our secure online pay site!
------------------------------------------------ - 10AM to 1PM= KELLY LAKE MINI REUNION: Kathy Anderson coordinating (263=3050). NEW LOCATION- KELLY LAKE COMMUNITY CENTER
------------------------------------------------ - 11AM to 2PM= HIBBING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ALL CLASS REUNION: Assumption Campus. Mass at 11AM, Tours of the "new" school, socializing, etc. CONTACT: principal@acshibbing.org (218=263=3054) or www.acshibbing.org
------------------------------------------------ - 12N= RYAN ADDITION MINI REUNION*: Bobby Williams coordinating. Corner Bar, Downtown. (Contact rjwms@hotmail.com)
------------------------------------------------ - 1PM-4PM= OLD TIME SLAVIC PICNIC: St. Michaels Social Hall. Barbecue and LIVE Tamburitzan music!
* Some events are listed as a courtesy to the organizers and may not be under the direction of the Hibbing All Class Reunion Committee. See our disclaimer under "Contact Us" on the home page. The Hibbing All Class Reunion Committee (HACR) is responsible only for planning, coordinating and providing for HACR general events and activities during the HACR week that are sanctioned/provided/listed on this website or in official HACR publications. No activity or event that is not listed in any of the aforementioned publications is not part of the official HACR and is not covered, approved or sanctioned by HACR. Hibbing High School (HHS) and Minnesota Independent School District 701 (ISD 701) is not responsible for any of the events, activities or website content for HACR, unless specifically noted in HACR publications or noted on official school publications. Any indivdual or group class Web site is maintained by individual classmates and HACR, HHS or ISD 701 is not responsible for any content or maintenance of those pages. Attendance at any of these events is strictly at the risk of the participant and said participant is bound by the guidelines laid out in the Terms of Use of this website. |